With 1 Doppelherz A-Z Depot tablet daily, your body will gain important vitamins, minerals and trace elements plus lutein for many hours of the day.
An optimal supply of essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements is an important prerequisite for well-being and performance. The body cannot produce these vital nutrients itself. We therefore need to take in these substances every day.
A diet rich in fruit, vegetables, cereals and dairy products, but which also includes regular consumption of fish, can meet the nutrient requirements.
What are multivitamins?
Actually, the name “multivitamin” is somewhat misleading in linguistic usage, because sensibly composed food supplements contain not only several vitamins, but also minerals as well as trace elements.
The name “multivitamin” may only be used if legally regulated minimum quantities of the ingredients used are observed. For example, a drink made from several fruits does not necessarily have to be a multivitamin juice. In Doppelherz A-Z tablets, vitamins, minerals and trace elements are carefully balanced with each other in sensible quantities.
When are multivitamins useful?
The product Doppelherz A-Z DEPOT Complete is a food supplement. As such, it is dosed in such a way that it can sensibly compensate for or cover gaps in supply caused by an unbalanced diet and increased requirements in certain life situations, without putting too much strain on the body.
Supply gaps can occur, for example, due to an impaired vitamin metabolism. However, an increased need for certain nutrients can also result from one-sided diets, stress or sport, or from taking certain medications.
Changes in life circumstances often also result in a special need for nutrients. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for some nutrients increases considerably. Vitamins such as folic acid and vitamin B6 should be central components of a healthy diet during pregnancy, as should iodine, zinc and iron.
New living conditions in old age and a changing organism can also contribute to an increased need for nutrients. Chewing or swallowing difficulties, altered taste perception, loss of appetite and decreasing thirst must be taken into account in the diet. In addition, the metabolism of seniors works more slowly, so that gaps in supply can occur.
Of course, multivitamin preparations cannot replace a balanced whole food diet. However, they can help to close gaps in nutrition if necessary.
What ingredients does Doppelherz A-Z DEPOT Complete contain?
The food supplement contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements and additionally the vegetable carotenoid lutein.
Vitamins are organic compounds that the human body – with the exception of vitamin D – cannot produce itself. Therefore, we have to provide them to our body with food.
The A-Z tablets from Doppelherz contain 13 essential vitamins: The water-soluble vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin and pantothenic acid as well as the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
Minerals and trace elements:
Minerals and trace elements are also substances that the body cannot produce. The difference between them is only in the amount needed by the body. Trace elements literally only occur in “traces”, i.e. in very small quantities in the body (less than 50 mg / kg), minerals or also “bulk elements”, on the other hand, are present in quantities of more than 50 mg / kg body weight.
The A-Z product from Doppelherz contains a sensible combination of the minerals calcium and magnesium as well as the trace elements phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, molybdenum and iodine.
Is there an overdose with Doppelherz A-Z multivitamins?
The issue of quality and safety plays a very decisive role in the development of Doppelherz food supplements. We therefore always pay particular attention to maintaining a physiological dose range during the design process.
An overdose of ingredients, even if they exceed 100% of the EU regulation, is not possible if the consumption recommendation for Doppelherz A-Z DEPOT is adhered to.
What is the advantage of DEPOT tablets?
The supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is often not optimal with an unbalanced diet. Moreover, the body can only store certain vitamins and minerals to a limited extent. These include the water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6.
For example, too much vitamin C consumed at one time is excreted unused, with the result that it is not available to the body during times of higher stress.
The DEPOT tablet from Doppelherz works like a kind of “nutrient store” due to a specially developed manufacturing process. The valuable nutrients are gradually released from this “nutrient store” over many hours and are thus continuously available to the body.