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Natural Factors RealEasy With PGX Whey Meal Replacement (Vanilla) - 870g

Weight Loss Tips

The evenings are already starting to get cooler and soon the leaves will be turning colour. It's time to start saying farewell to our shorts and summer dresses for another season and hop back into our dress pants and jeans. But wait... what's this? Perhaps all that ice cream has caught up to you? Your pants are simply not fitting the same way they did only 3 short months ago?... Fall is coming, folks, whether we like it or not, and with it may come a renewed sense of purpose. Get in shape... lose that last 10 a healthier lifestyle. How about some inspiration?! ... in the form of a TOP TEN LIST


1) Increase your fibre
It's difficult to grasp, how something that actually slows digestion can also help to support healthy weight loss, but that is just the case with FIBRE. Fibre is very difficult for the digestive system to breakdown, but it tries none-the-less! In the process of trying to break down these hard to breakdown plant fibres, digestion slows. Refined carbohydrates normally increase blood sugar. This increase is less noticeable when fibre is there to slow the rate at which these sugars are being released into the bloodstream. This prevents spikes in blood glucose as well as large bursts of insulin, which inevitably will cause us to store fat. Because fibre slows things down a little, it also helps to increase satiety, leaving us feeling full for longer, an added bonus to anyone looking to lose weight. High fibre diets are those that contain an abundance of fruit and vegetables, legumes, beans, and WHOLE grain products (NOT refined carbohydrates). Aim to get anywhere from 25-35 g of fibre/day. Increase fibre slowly and be sure to increase you water intake at the same time.

2) Eat more protein
Making sure to include adequate protein in your diet is one fail proof way to ensure healthy weight loss. Protein, combined with exercise, has a number of weight related benefits. First off, when getting adequate protein, you maintain lean body mass while still shedding fat. You also build muscle faster (as protein is a necessary building block for muscle). One pound of muscle burns 70X more calories at rest than 1 pound of fat. In other words, the more muscle you build and maintain, the more accelerated your weight loss will be. Be sure to vary the sources of protein you are eating. Animal protein tends to be much higher in saturated fat, cholesterol and calories. Try to chose lean sources of animal protein, like fish and chicken, and combine them with plant sources for a more well rounded, heart healthy diet. Try whey protein in your morning smoothie, it's a great 'whey' to start off a protein-rich day.

3) Drink Green Tea
Green tea is not only a healthy and tasty alternative to coffee, but it's high in antioxidants and its weight loss effects go far beyond it's caffeine content. Green tea contains a catechin polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which has significant antioxidant activity, preventing oxidative/free radical damage. Studies have shown it to have cholesterol lowering effects, as well as decrease overall risk of cardiovascular and liver disease. EGCG has also been shown to enhance thermogenesis, increasing our ability to burn fat for energy more efficiently. As if all these benefits weren't enough, green tea contains L-theanine an extract that has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression and improve sleep quality without causing drowsiness. This means no jitters (a la coffee) and better sleep, which also supports healthy weight loss. Drink up.

4) Eat Healthy Fats
Yes, fats can actually help to support your weight loss efforts, the right kid of fats, that is. Regular consumption of healthy fat actually trains your body how to burn fat more efficiently. Omega 3 rich fish oil, when combined with moderate exercise, has been shown to increase weight loss, when compared to groups who used exercise alone. There is also some evidence to suggest that fish oil supplementation alone can increase metabolic rate and fat oxidation, while decreasing body fat. For a healthy diet, 20-35% of your calories need to come from fat. It's all about the right choices. Keep trans fats and saturated fats to a minimum. Don't cook with oils, but instead supplement with fish, flax evening primrose or borage oil. Use cold pressed oils or extra virgin olive oil on salads and add after veggies are cooked for added flavour. Include raw nuts and seeds, like chia and walnuts into your daily routine.

5) Decrease Sugar
I had to put this next, because it really goes hand in hand with increasing healthy fats. We used to think that fat was at the root of all weight gain. This started a 'low fat' food revolution that sadly still exists today. These products tend to be extremely high in sugar and often have a similar caloric intake to their full fat counterparts. The problem is many people still don't understand that SUGAR MAKES YOU FAT and they are really not doing themselves any favours. Cut out ALL refined sugar in your diet. It's that simple. You will need to get out the magnifying glass a read a few labels to do this. You'd be surprised the foods in which sugar is hidden. If you are having intense cravings, try healthier alternatives like stevia and xylitol, just remember that moderation is key with these, as well. Chromium has also been shown to help control sugar cravings, if you feel as though you need a little added support.

6) Use Portion Control
Time is something we never seem to have enough of these days. We go and go and realize eight hours later that we haven't had a stitch to eat since breakfast. We then eat a huge and heavy dinner and head to bed to start all over again. This pattern needs to change if you want to achieve real, sustainable weight loss. Eating 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day may require a little more planning on your part, which I realize takes up a little more of your precious time, but it is worth it in the end. When we go long period without eating, our blood sugar drops and we usually make unhealthy choices when we get the chance to eat again, because we're beyond hungry. The next thing we eat then causes an unhealthy spike in blood sugar, again leading to an unhealthy release of insulin and inevitably increased fat storage.... and the cycle continues, and continues. Smaller portions, more often throughout the day, can do wonders to regulate blood sugar and promote healthy weight loss.

7) Reduce Stress
Cortisol is a hormone released by our adrenal glands in times of stress. Ideally cortisol should peak early in the morning and decrease as the day goes on. Nowadays, this pattern is rarely seen. We are stressed out, meaning either we have prolonged high levels of cortisol throughout the day or our adrenal gets exhausted from overproduction and we don't have sufficient amounts. The bad news is, that either way you look at it, weight gain will be the result, as are cravings and fatigue, which once again lead to us making the wrong choices when it comes to food. I cannot STRESS this enough, you need to get a hold of your stress- take time for yourself, unwind and do something you enjoy. Stress reduction can and will make you a happier, healthier and slimmer person. Consider herbs like Rhodiola, Ashwaganda and Holy basil for added adrenal support and help in regulating cortisol levels.

8) Have your thyroid checked
Adrenal function cannot be mentioned without also addressing thyroid function, as these hormones are so closely related. Thyroid hormones, or more specifically thyroid hormone deficiencies, may be the missing link in terms of achieving sustainable weight loss. Thyroid hormones control the metabolic function of the body. If were are deficient in these hormones, often very common in postmenopausal women, then our metabolic rate suffers. If our metabolism is sluggish, weight gain is inevitable, no matter what we are eating. Ask your MD or Naturopathic doctor about having your TSH checked and ask to see the results yourself. Although anything below a 5.5-6 is considered within the 'normal' range, studies show many individuals have symptoms at levels as low as 2 or 3, including difficulty with weight loss.

9) Exercise
Does it really need to be said? Weight loss is absolutely impossible without exercise. If you are someone who is already exercising, make sure to vary your routine. Include both cardiovascular and resistance training exercises (You remember what I said about muscle... right?). If you are new to the world of elliptical machines, start out slow. Walking for 30-40 minutes, at a pace in which you can still carry on a conversation but increases your heart rate, even 3-4 times/week will help to stimulate weight loss. As soon as that becomes easier, you can start stepping up the pace, or introducing some weight training into the routine. Find a friend who is interested in joining you, it makes the routine a little more enjoyable and you'll find its easier to stick to a schedule when there is someone else depending on you to do so. We still have a few months before the snow falls (AHHHHHHHHHH!), get out there and get active.

10) Don't Diet
Significant and sustainable weight loss is a lifestyle. Don't be discouraged if you slip up and have one last ice cream cone before the season is over. Don't beat yourself up if you miss the gym one day. Just get up the next morning and start all over again, doing the right things. Don't deny yourself the odd treat, just don't do it everyday. Diets don't work, but small, simple and lifelong changes in eating and exercise habits DO! Weight loss is really just disease prevention by a different name. A smaller waistline is only a small side effect of an overall healthier you.

Brand: Natural Factors
Country Of Origin: Canada


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Natural Factors RealEasy With PGX Whey Meal Replacement (Vanilla) - 870g

Natural Factors RealEasy With PGX Whey Meal Replacement (Vanilla) - 870g

$80.01 $80.41 (0% off)

Weight Loss Tips

The evenings are already starting to get cooler and soon the leaves will be turning colour. It's time to start saying farewell to our shorts and summer dresses for another season and hop back into our dress pants and jeans. But wait... what's this? Perhaps all that ice cream has caught up to you? Your pants are simply not fitting the same way they did only 3 short months ago?... Fall is coming, folks, whether we like it or not, and with it may come a renewed sense of purpose. Get in shape... lose that last 10 a healthier lifestyle. How about some inspiration?! ... in the form of a TOP TEN LIST


1) Increase your fibre
It's difficult to grasp, how something that actually slows digestion can also help to support healthy weight loss, but that is just the case with FIBRE. Fibre is very difficult for the digestive system to breakdown, but it tries none-the-less! In the process of trying to break down these hard to breakdown plant fibres, digestion slows. Refined carbohydrates normally increase blood sugar. This increase is less noticeable when fibre is there to slow the rate at which these sugars are being released into the bloodstream. This prevents spikes in blood glucose as well as large bursts of insulin, which inevitably will cause us to store fat. Because fibre slows things down a little, it also helps to increase satiety, leaving us feeling full for longer, an added bonus to anyone looking to lose weight. High fibre diets are those that contain an abundance of fruit and vegetables, legumes, beans, and WHOLE grain products (NOT refined carbohydrates). Aim to get anywhere from 25-35 g of fibre/day. Increase fibre slowly and be sure to increase you water intake at the same time.

2) Eat more protein
Making sure to include adequate protein in your diet is one fail proof way to ensure healthy weight loss. Protein, combined with exercise, has a number of weight related benefits. First off, when getting adequate protein, you maintain lean body mass while still shedding fat. You also build muscle faster (as protein is a necessary building block for muscle). One pound of muscle burns 70X more calories at rest than 1 pound of fat. In other words, the more muscle you build and maintain, the more accelerated your weight loss will be. Be sure to vary the sources of protein you are eating. Animal protein tends to be much higher in saturated fat, cholesterol and calories. Try to chose lean sources of animal protein, like fish and chicken, and combine them with plant sources for a more well rounded, heart healthy diet. Try whey protein in your morning smoothie, it's a great 'whey' to start off a protein-rich day.

3) Drink Green Tea
Green tea is not only a healthy and tasty alternative to coffee, but it's high in antioxidants and its weight loss effects go far beyond it's caffeine content. Green tea contains a catechin polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which has significant antioxidant activity, preventing oxidative/free radical damage. Studies have shown it to have cholesterol lowering effects, as well as decrease overall risk of cardiovascular and liver disease. EGCG has also been shown to enhance thermogenesis, increasing our ability to burn fat for energy more efficiently. As if all these benefits weren't enough, green tea contains L-theanine an extract that has been shown to relieve anxiety and depression and improve sleep quality without causing drowsiness. This means no jitters (a la coffee) and better sleep, which also supports healthy weight loss. Drink up.

4) Eat Healthy Fats
Yes, fats can actually help to support your weight loss efforts, the right kid of fats, that is. Regular consumption of healthy fat actually trains your body how to burn fat more efficiently. Omega 3 rich fish oil, when combined with moderate exercise, has been shown to increase weight loss, when compared to groups who used exercise alone. There is also some evidence to suggest that fish oil supplementation alone can increase metabolic rate and fat oxidation, while decreasing body fat. For a healthy diet, 20-35% of your calories need to come from fat. It's all about the right choices. Keep trans fats and saturated fats to a minimum. Don't cook with oils, but instead supplement with fish, flax evening primrose or borage oil. Use cold pressed oils or extra virgin olive oil on salads and add after veggies are cooked for added flavour. Include raw nuts and seeds, like chia and walnuts into your daily routine.

5) Decrease Sugar
I had to put this next, because it really goes hand in hand with increasing healthy fats. We used to think that fat was at the root of all weight gain. This started a 'low fat' food revolution that sadly still exists today. These products tend to be extremely high in sugar and often have a similar caloric intake to their full fat counterparts. The problem is many people still don't understand that SUGAR MAKES YOU FAT and they are really not doing themselves any favours. Cut out ALL refined sugar in your diet. It's that simple. You will need to get out the magnifying glass a read a few labels to do this. You'd be surprised the foods in which sugar is hidden. If you are having intense cravings, try healthier alternatives like stevia and xylitol, just remember that moderation is key with these, as well. Chromium has also been shown to help control sugar cravings, if you feel as though you need a little added support.

6) Use Portion Control
Time is something we never seem to have enough of these days. We go and go and realize eight hours later that we haven't had a stitch to eat since breakfast. We then eat a huge and heavy dinner and head to bed to start all over again. This pattern needs to change if you want to achieve real, sustainable weight loss. Eating 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day may require a little more planning on your part, which I realize takes up a little more of your precious time, but it is worth it in the end. When we go long period without eating, our blood sugar drops and we usually make unhealthy choices when we get the chance to eat again, because we're beyond hungry. The next thing we eat then causes an unhealthy spike in blood sugar, again leading to an unhealthy release of insulin and inevitably increased fat storage.... and the cycle continues, and continues. Smaller portions, more often throughout the day, can do wonders to regulate blood sugar and promote healthy weight loss.

7) Reduce Stress
Cortisol is a hormone released by our adrenal glands in times of stress. Ideally cortisol should peak early in the morning and decrease as the day goes on. Nowadays, this pattern is rarely seen. We are stressed out, meaning either we have prolonged high levels of cortisol throughout the day or our adrenal gets exhausted from overproduction and we don't have sufficient amounts. The bad news is, that either way you look at it, weight gain will be the result, as are cravings and fatigue, which once again lead to us making the wrong choices when it comes to food. I cannot STRESS this enough, you need to get a hold of your stress- take time for yourself, unwind and do something you enjoy. Stress reduction can and will make you a happier, healthier and slimmer person. Consider herbs like Rhodiola, Ashwaganda and Holy basil for added adrenal support and help in regulating cortisol levels.

8) Have your thyroid checked
Adrenal function cannot be mentioned without also addressing thyroid function, as these hormones are so closely related. Thyroid hormones, or more specifically thyroid hormone deficiencies, may be the missing link in terms of achieving sustainable weight loss. Thyroid hormones control the metabolic function of the body. If were are deficient in these hormones, often very common in postmenopausal women, then our metabolic rate suffers. If our metabolism is sluggish, weight gain is inevitable, no matter what we are eating. Ask your MD or Naturopathic doctor about having your TSH checked and ask to see the results yourself. Although anything below a 5.5-6 is considered within the 'normal' range, studies show many individuals have symptoms at levels as low as 2 or 3, including difficulty with weight loss.

9) Exercise
Does it really need to be said? Weight loss is absolutely impossible without exercise. If you are someone who is already exercising, make sure to vary your routine. Include both cardiovascular and resistance training exercises (You remember what I said about muscle... right?). If you are new to the world of elliptical machines, start out slow. Walking for 30-40 minutes, at a pace in which you can still carry on a conversation but increases your heart rate, even 3-4 times/week will help to stimulate weight loss. As soon as that becomes easier, you can start stepping up the pace, or introducing some weight training into the routine. Find a friend who is interested in joining you, it makes the routine a little more enjoyable and you'll find its easier to stick to a schedule when there is someone else depending on you to do so. We still have a few months before the snow falls (AHHHHHHHHHH!), get out there and get active.

10) Don't Diet
Significant and sustainable weight loss is a lifestyle. Don't be discouraged if you slip up and have one last ice cream cone before the season is over. Don't beat yourself up if you miss the gym one day. Just get up the next morning and start all over again, doing the right things. Don't deny yourself the odd treat, just don't do it everyday. Diets don't work, but small, simple and lifelong changes in eating and exercise habits DO! Weight loss is really just disease prevention by a different name. A smaller waistline is only a small side effect of an overall healthier you.


Whey protein [milk], Organic cane sugar, PGX polysaccharides complex (glucomannan, xanthan gum, sodium alginate), Xylitol, Soy lecithin, Medium chain triglycerides, Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate, Potassium citrate, Magnesium citrate, Sodium chloride, Calcium citrate, Vitamin D2, Ascorbic acid, Zinc citrate, Niacinamide, Biotin, Ferrous fumarate, d-Alpha tocopheryl acetate, Beta-carotene, Copper chelate, Molybdenum citrate, Selenium chelate, Manganese citrate, Calcium pantothenate, Folic acid, Thiamine hydrochloride, Pyridoxine hydrochloride, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12, Potassium iodide, Chromium chelate, Natural flavours.


format thumbPowder



Add 2 scoops (61 g) to 250–500 mL of water and shake in a shaker cup or mix in a blender until smooth to make a delicious, satisfying drink. Drink immediately after mixing, as it thickens quickly. Use 1–2 times daily as a meal replacement. When first taking begin with 1 scoop (30.5 g) in 125–250 mL of water and gradually increase to 2 scoops(61 g) as directed above.

Important Information

Contains no artificial preservatives, color or sweeteners; no corn, dairy, starch, wheat or yeast.

Manufacturer Info

Based in British Columbia, Natural Factors Canada is one of the largest manufacturers of nutritional products in North America. Natural Factor Supplements origins reach back to the 1950s, & right from day one, they've been fully committed to making products right. Today, Natural Factors vitamins brings you tested and true products like Acidophilus and Bifidus, Ultimate Multi Probiotics, RX Omega-3, Theracurmin, PGX Daily, Whey Factors Protein and Oil of Oregano all of which you can BUY right here at National

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