ORGANIC FARM Semillas Orgánicas De Cebollita De Cambray 634
ORGANIC FARM Semillas Orgánicas De Cebollita De Cambray 634
-Puede usted incluir los artículos que requiera pagando solo un envío.
Aprovecha a llevar tu germinador y de mas semillas para que se valla en el mismo envio y tengas un 100% de plantas germinadas.
o compras mas semillas diversas de nuestro siguiente link
Descripcion y Datos tecnicos.
Siembra:en macetas o cajas de germinación. Transplantar cuando la planta tenga una altura de 8 a 10 cm.
Cuidado:es recomendable abonar cada 2 a 3 semanas con abono de borrego o Triple 17.
Profundidad de siembra:10 - 12 mm
Distancia entre planta y planta:50 - 60 cm
Días de germinación:8 - 10 días
Altura aproximada:2.5 m
En la actualidad son cada vez más es el número de personas que deciden plantar y cosechar su propia comida, asegurando una calidad orgánica y sin igual generando un gran ahorro y una enorme satisfacción de cosechar lo sembrado por ellos mismos a de más de ejemplificar para una vida 100% sostenible, no hace falta un gran espacio de terreno para poder cultivar y cosechar, en tu casa lo puedes hacer, puede ser desde una terraza , patio o en tu misma azotea.
Puede pagar un solo envio y llevar las semillas que tu quieras de la gran variedad que tenemos disponibles, solo tiene que dar clic en comprar a las de más semillas y poner retirar en persona o acordar envio con vendedor para que viajen en el mismo paquete.
Tenemos gran variedad de semillas. Observa cuales y anota el numero de tu eleccion.
1010 Alfalfa (para germinados)
120 Bella de día variada
1203 Haba (mediana)
122 Cactus Var
134 Coleos Variado
146 Alhelí Cuarenteno Variado
154 Perritos Enanos Variados (Anterrino)
170 Clavel de China Doble Variado
174 Margarita Botoncitos Variada
182 Pensamiento Azul "Lago de Thoune"
184 Pensamiento Rojo "Luz de los alpes"
186 Pensamiento Amarillo oro del Rhin
188 Pensamiento Var
192 Petunia Enana
196 Juanitas Variadas (Flox Drummond)
198 Verdolaga doble
307 Celosía plumosa variada
310 Crisantemo Gigante Blanco
332 Malva Florida Variada
340 Perritos Gig Var (Anterrino)
457 Iris/Lirio
348 Clavel Chabaud Gigante Variado
372 Aster flor simple var (Coronados)
378 Cempasúchil Grande Doble Variado (Rosa de las Indias)
384 Mercadela (Caléndula)
391 Girasol gig simple amarillo
394 Zinnia elegante doble variada
400 Capuchina Grande Variada
410 Ipomea variada
418 Chícharo de olor variado (Guisante de Olor Spencer)
428 Malva Real Variada
454 Flores Variadas para ramos secos
456 Flor de Tigre (Tigridia)
616 Zanahoria
634 Cebollas de Cambray
636 Cebollas Blancas
637 Cebollas Rojas
638 Cebollas Amarillas
640 Poro
676 Rabano "Champion"
677 Rábano Bola Chica (Dúo)
678 Rábano Largo Rojo
714 Pepino "Poinsett"
724 Pepinillo verde de Paris
725 Pepino "Blanco"
729 Calabaza redonda
736 Calabaza Larga
748 Calabaza Larga "Grey Zucchini"
750 Calabaza Enredadera (Pipian)
751 Calabaza Dulce (de Castilla)
836 Arúgula
764 Melón
772 Pimiento de cayenne
778 Pimiento "California Wonder"
779 Pimiento Amarillo hibrido
790 Jitomate Cereza
792 Jitomate Tipo "bola"
798 Jitomate Tipo "Saladet"
800 Apio
803 Espárrago Verde
806 Espinaca
824 Brócoli
830 Col de Bruselas "Sanda"
834 Col Verde (Repollo) "Mercado de Copenhagen"
835 Col Morada
846 Coliflor "Snowball"
880 Lechuga (tipo bola)
882 Lechuga Orejona
883 Lechuga Italiana Black Seeded Simpson
886 Lechuga Frisee de Meaux
887 Lechuga Baby Sucrine
888 Lechuga Roja (Sangría)
901 Alcachofa
902 Acelga Hortaflor
903 Berenjena
950 Chile Serrano (Chiltepec)
951 Chile Habanero-Manzano
952 Chile Jalapeño (Chipotle/Chile Cuaresmeño)
953 Cilantro Cultivado
954 Tomate Verde
955 Sandía Jubilee
956 Chícharo
957 Frijol Ejotero
958 Sandía Peacock Improved
959 Sandía Sun Sweet
960 Jícama
961 Sandía Charleston Grey
962 Chile Poblano (Chile Ancho)
963 Chile Chilaca (Chile Pasilla)
964 Chile Marisol (Chile Guajillo)
966 Chilacayote
967 Cilantro Liderth
969 Chile de Árbol
970 Chile Gü ero/Húngaro (variedad Santa Fe)
972 Tomatillo Verde (pequeño)
604 Betabel (Remolacha)
974 Tomate Morado "Jasper"
4238 Kiri Pawlonia Tomentosa Arbol maderable
Puede usted incluir los artículos que requiera pagando solo un envío.
Garantía del vendedor: 1 años
IBspot Buyer Protection
Shop confidently on IBspot, receive your item as described or your money back for eligible orders. Learn Program Terms
30 days money back guarantee, no additional fee charged.
We provide 24/7 online customer support via email.
Fast Shipping
One week domestic shipping. Global delivery to the US in 2 weeks.
-Puede usted incluir los artículos que requiera pagando solo un envío.
Aprovecha a llevar tu germinador y de mas semillas para que se valla en el mismo envio y tengas un 100% de plantas germinadas.
o compras mas semillas diversas de nuestro siguiente link
Descripcion y Datos tecnicos.
Siembra:en macetas o cajas de germinación. Transplantar cuando la planta tenga una altura de 8 a 10 cm.
Cuidado:es recomendable abonar cada 2 a 3 semanas con abono de borrego o Triple 17.
Profundidad de siembra:10 - 12 mm
Distancia entre planta y planta:50 - 60 cm
Días de germinación:8 - 10 días
Altura aproximada:2.5 m
En la actualidad son cada vez más es el número de personas que deciden plantar y cosechar su propia comida, asegurando una calidad orgánica y sin igual generando un gran ahorro y una enorme satisfacción de cosechar lo sembrado por ellos mismos a de más de ejemplificar para una vida 100% sostenible, no hace falta un gran espacio de terreno para poder cultivar y cosechar, en tu casa lo puedes hacer, puede ser desde una terraza , patio o en tu misma azotea.
Puede pagar un solo envio y llevar las semillas que tu quieras de la gran variedad que tenemos disponibles, solo tiene que dar clic en comprar a las de más semillas y poner retirar en persona o acordar envio con vendedor para que viajen en el mismo paquete.
Tenemos gran variedad de semillas. Observa cuales y anota el numero de tu eleccion.
1010 Alfalfa (para germinados)
120 Bella de día variada
1203 Haba (mediana)
122 Cactus Var
134 Coleos Variado
146 Alhelí Cuarenteno Variado
154 Perritos Enanos Variados (Anterrino)
170 Clavel de China Doble Variado
174 Margarita Botoncitos Variada
182 Pensamiento Azul "Lago de Thoune"
184 Pensamiento Rojo "Luz de los alpes"
186 Pensamiento Amarillo oro del Rhin
188 Pensamiento Var
192 Petunia Enana
196 Juanitas Variadas (Flox Drummond)
198 Verdolaga doble
307 Celosía plumosa variada
310 Crisantemo Gigante Blanco
332 Malva Florida Variada
340 Perritos Gig Var (Anterrino)
457 Iris/Lirio
348 Clavel Chabaud Gigante Variado
372 Aster flor simple var (Coronados)
378 Cempasúchil Grande Doble Variado (Rosa de las Indias)
384 Mercadela (Caléndula)
391 Girasol gig simple amarillo
394 Zinnia elegante doble variada
400 Capuchina Grande Variada
410 Ipomea variada
418 Chícharo de olor variado (Guisante de Olor Spencer)
428 Malva Real Variada
454 Flores Variadas para ramos secos
456 Flor de Tigre (Tigridia)
616 Zanahoria
634 Cebollas de Cambray
636 Cebollas Blancas
637 Cebollas Rojas
638 Cebollas Amarillas
640 Poro
676 Rabano "Champion"
677 Rábano Bola Chica (Dúo)
678 Rábano Largo Rojo
714 Pepino "Poinsett"
724 Pepinillo verde de Paris
725 Pepino "Blanco"
729 Calabaza redonda
736 Calabaza Larga
748 Calabaza Larga "Grey Zucchini"
750 Calabaza Enredadera (Pipian)
751 Calabaza Dulce (de Castilla)
836 Arúgula
764 Melón
772 Pimiento de cayenne
778 Pimiento "California Wonder"
779 Pimiento Amarillo hibrido
790 Jitomate Cereza
792 Jitomate Tipo "bola"
798 Jitomate Tipo "Saladet"
800 Apio
803 Espárrago Verde
806 Espinaca
824 Brócoli
830 Col de Bruselas "Sanda"
834 Col Verde (Repollo) "Mercado de Copenhagen"
835 Col Morada
846 Coliflor "Snowball"
880 Lechuga (tipo bola)
882 Lechuga Orejona
883 Lechuga Italiana Black Seeded Simpson
886 Lechuga Frisee de Meaux
887 Lechuga Baby Sucrine
888 Lechuga Roja (Sangría)
901 Alcachofa
902 Acelga Hortaflor
903 Berenjena
950 Chile Serrano (Chiltepec)
951 Chile Habanero-Manzano
952 Chile Jalapeño (Chipotle/Chile Cuaresmeño)
953 Cilantro Cultivado
954 Tomate Verde
955 Sandía Jubilee
956 Chícharo
957 Frijol Ejotero
958 Sandía Peacock Improved
959 Sandía Sun Sweet
960 Jícama
961 Sandía Charleston Grey
962 Chile Poblano (Chile Ancho)
963 Chile Chilaca (Chile Pasilla)
964 Chile Marisol (Chile Guajillo)
966 Chilacayote
967 Cilantro Liderth
969 Chile de Árbol
970 Chile Gü ero/Húngaro (variedad Santa Fe)
972 Tomatillo Verde (pequeño)
604 Betabel (Remolacha)
974 Tomate Morado "Jasper"
4238 Kiri Pawlonia Tomentosa Arbol maderable
Puede usted incluir los artículos que requiera pagando solo un envío.
Garantía del vendedor: 1 años
- Fabricante: Rancho La Cueva
- Tipo de semillas: Semillas de Cebollita Cambray
- Unidades por envase: 230
- Peso de la unidad: 1 g
- Formato de venta: Sobre
Shipping Summary:
- Packages are shipped from Monday to Friday.
- The usual time for processing an order is 1 to 3 business days, but may vary depending on the availability of products ordered. This period excludes delivery times, which depend on your geographic location.
- We provide tracking for every order. Tracking will be available once your product is shipped. Each individual product may be shipped from different fulfillment centers across the globe as our product research team spends the time to source quality yet affordable products.
Estimated delivery times:
- Standard Shipping: 3-7 business days
- Expedited Shipping: 2-5 business days
- International Shipping: 10 - 15 business days
Please note that these are estimates, not guarantees. Delivery time depends on a number of variables, and there may be delays such as bad weather affecting air transport, or a package being held for inspection by Customs. ibspot is not liable for any delays in international transportation or customs clearance.
Shipments can be delivered directly to most addresses, except post office boxes. However, in certain remote areas, there may be an additional delivery charge or you may need to pick up your package from the closest service location of ibspot's shipping partner.
Shipping Status:
As soon as your order ships, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email that includes your tracking number.
If you don't receive a shipping confirmation email right away, don't worry! We know the delivery date or date range provided at checkout and we'll be sure to deliver the items within that timeframe.
Order changes:
Please contact our customer support if the order needs to be canceled or modified.
Item not received:
If you've successfully placed an order and haven't received it yet while the tracking status shows it's delivered. you'd wish to contact the carrier to hunt out your Cover as once the item is Covered we have control over it (once it’s by the carrier), but if still persists kindly email us
Damaged Parcel
If your package has been delivered in a PO Box, please note that we are not responsible for any damage that may result (consequences of extreme temperatures, theft, etc.).
If you have any questions regarding shipping or want to know about the status of an order, please contact us or email to
Please Read Our Return & Refund Policy Carefully:
You may return most items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.
To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.
Several types of goods are exempt from being returned. Perishable goods such as food, flowers, newspapers or magazines cannot be returned. We also do not accept products that are intimate or sanitary goods, hazardous materials, or flammable liquids or gases.
Additional non-returnable items:
- Gift cards
- Downloadable software products
- Some health and personal care items
To complete your return, we require a tracking number, which shows the items which you already returned to us.
There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted (if applicable)
- Book with obvious signs of use
- CD, DVD, VHS tape, software, video game, cassette tape, or vinyl record that has been opened
- Any item not in its original condition, is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error
- Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery
Items returned to us as a result of our error will receive a full refund,some returns may be subject to a restocking fee of 7% of the total item price, please contact a customer care team member to see if your return is subject. Returns that arrived on time and were as described are subject to a restocking fee.
Items returned to us that were not the result of our error, including items returned to us due to an invalid or incomplete address, will be refunded the original item price less our standard restocking fees.
You should expect to receive your refund within four weeks of giving your package to the return shipper, however, in many cases you will receive a refund more quickly. This time period includes the transit time for us to receive your return from the shipper (5 to 10 business days), the time it takes us to process your return once we receive it (3 to 5 business days), and the time it takes your bank to process our refund request (5 to 10 business days).
If you need to return an item, please Contact Us with your order number and details about the product you would like to return. We will respond quickly with instructions for how to return items from your order.
Shipping Cost
We'll pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.). In other cases, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item. Shipping costs are non-refundable. If you receive a refund, the cost of return shipping will be deducted from your refund.
Depending on where you live, the time it may take for your exchanged product to reach you, may vary.
If you are shipping an item over $75, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item.
- Purchases may be returned within 30 days of the shipping date for a refund.
- Refund will be issued to your original form of payment.
- Refunds for orders purchased with IBSPOT Gift Cards and/or IBSPOT Notes will be issued as a IBSPOT Gift Card and mailed to the original billing address. Gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash unless required by law.
Refund Processing
• Returns to a IBSPOT store will be refunded to the original form of payment or gift card. • Mail-in returns with our prepaid return label will be refunded back to the original form of payment within 3-5 business days after we receive your return. Please allow 5-7 business days for your return to arrive at our Returns Center.
• Note: It may take a few days until your bank posts the refund to your account.
Claims related to the product. Be sure to check the details of your purchase carefully before you make the payment, and check the contents of the package(s) promptly upon receipt. If you have a problem with the product, visit our Support Center to find out about return shipping arrangements.
If you discover your order is flawed please contact us Mail: With photos of the wrong product we will providing a return shipping label. Once it is tracking we will ship a replacement a product immediately.
Damages and issues
Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong item, so that we can evaluate the issue and make it right.
Exceptions / non-returnable items
Certain types of items cannot be returned, like perishable goods (such as food, flowers, or plants), custom products (such as special orders or personalized items), and personal care goods (such as beauty products). We also do not accept returns for hazardous materials, flammable liquids, or gases. Please get in touch if you have questions or concerns about your specific item. Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards.
The fastest way to ensure you get what you want is to return the item you have, and once the return is accepted, make a separate purchase for the new item.
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